Characteristics Patients who received any shock (n = 380) Patients who received any appropriate shock (n = 296) Patients who received any Inappropriate shock (n=72) Patients who received no shock (n = 40)
Age-Group in years 60-64 60-64 60-64 65-69
Ejection Fraction (%) 31±13 30.2 ± 12 33±14 28.4±10.4
NYHA Class -III 6.1 (23) 6.1 (18) 5.6 (4) 7.5 (3)
Male Gender 78.7 (299) 78.4 (232) 80.6 (58) 85 (34)
Congestive Heart Failure 49.2 (187) 49.3 (146) 50 (36) 55 (22)
Diabetes 21.8 (83) 22 (65) 16.7 (12) 37.5 (15)
Hypertension 53.4 (203) 56.7 (168) 40.3 (29) 57.5 (23)
Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter 24.7 (94) 22.6 (67) 31.9 (23) 15 (6)
History of Myocardial Infarction 70 (266) 70.2 (208) 69.4 (50) 85 (34)
History of CABG* 28.9 (110) 29.7 (88) 30.6 (22) 45 (18)
Smoking 22.6 (86) 21.3 (63) 29.2 (21) 27.5 (11)
ACE Inhibitor therapy 74.9 (285) 74.6 (221) 72.2 (52) 75 (30)
Aspirin therapy 60 (228) 60.1 (178) 61.1 (44) 65 (26)
Lipid lowering therapy 12.9 (49) 13.2 (39) 12.5 (9) 30 (12)
Beta Blocker therapy 35 (133) 33.5 (99) 40.3 (29) 40 (16)
[All values are % or n (mean ± SD)]
NYHA – New York Heart Association
*CABG – Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Table 1: Baseline clinical characteristics of study groups.