Heart rate
Dob 1 160±14 4±1 19±1 11±2 359±11
Dob 2 176±15 3±1 19±2 9±1 380±13
Dob 3 206±19 4±0.4 18±1 9±1 391±13
STZ 2 weeks          
Dob 1 115±7* 12±1* 19±1 12±1 271±9*
Dob 2 136±10* 11±2* 21±3 13±1 293±10*
Dob 3 135±8* 11±1* 21±2 13±1 305±7*
STZ 6 weeks          
Dob 1 94±5* 7±1 19±1 12±0.3 240±8*
Dob 2 102±5* 6±1 19±2 12±1 254±7*
Dob 3 107±5* 6±1 21±3 13±1 269±7*
*=P<0.05 vs. SD, #=P<0.05 vs. SD and STZ 2 weeks. SD = Sprague Dawley, STZ = Streptozotozin
Table 2: Cardiac performance under dobutamine-stress. This table shows systolic and diatolic LV parameter derived from conductance measurement under dobutamine-stress (0.75, 2.5 and 5 �g/kg/min). Data are depicted as mean�S.E.M.