Treatment Group         Baseline                                   60 Days                                   90 Days
                                                  Total Cholesterol Levels ± SD (mg/dL)
Group 1                       102.4±37.4                              63.2±11.4                                53.8±16.3
Group 2                       102.1±28.4                              2107±343*                              1483±254*
Group 3                       106.2±38.4                              1928±584*                              1550±436*
Group 4                       108.5±33.0                              1808±236*                              1486±326*
                                                Triglyceride Levels ± SD (mg/dL)
Group 1                       88.9±18.8                                39.2±6.4                                  47.4±25.5
Group 2                       83.5±40.1                                237.2±54.2*                            228.8±68.7*
Group 3                       112.6±58.7                              223.5±71.7*                            193.8±56.3*
Group 4                       78.3±43.1                                177.9±46.5*#                          170.8±36.2*#

                                                 CRP Concentrations  ± SD (mcg/mL)
Group 1                       16.9±9.8                                  16.8±19.8                                15.2±31.1
Group 2                       13.7±5.6                                  26.3±20.1^                              13.0±9.0
Group 3                       12.4±13.1                                16.7±15.0                                17.8±11.9
Group 4                       26.0±28.1                                11.8±7.1^                                19.2±24.7^  
* = P<0.001 versus Group 1; # = P=0.04 versus Group 2; ^ = P<0.05 versus baseline for the same group
Table 2: Results of mean plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride and CRP levels, based on treatment group, and reported at baseline, 60 days and 90 days.