Study Investigation Type/Model Animal Class Dose Result
Ischemic Heart Disease +/- Reperfusion Studies      
Sato M et al.  [38] Ischemia/reperfusion Rat 10 µM Decreased infarct size
Hung  LM et al.  [39] Ischemia/reperfusion by temporary occlusion of Left Main coronary artery Rat 0.23,2.3,23  µg/kg Decreased incidence of ventricular fibrillation and tachycardia, decreased LDH, and increased vascular NO
Imamura G et al.  [40] Ischemia/reperfusion Mouse 10 µM Decreased infarct size and apoptosis
Bradamante S et al.  [41] Ischemia/reperfusion 24 hrs. after treatment Rat 1 mg/kg Functional recovery improvement and increased coronary flow
Das S et al.  [42] Ischemia/reperfusion Rat 2.5 mg/kg Functional recovery improvement, decrease in infarct size and apoptosis, induction of VEGF, eNOS, iNOS
Dernek S et al.  [43] Ischemia/reperfusion Rat 20 µM Post ischemic recovery improved with chronic treatment, only partial protection with acute dosing
Kaga S et al.  [44] LAD occlusion Rat 1 mg/kg Improved ventricular function, decreased infarct size, increased VEGF expression
Coronary Risk Factor Studies
Wang Z et al.  [45] Hyperlipidemia Rabbit 3 mg/kg Decreased thoracic intima layer thickness and plaques, block of dilation by flow mediation
Auger C et al.  [46] Hyperlipidemia Hamster 0.1428   mg/kg Decreased Aortic fatty streak accumulation
Fukaw H et al.  [47] Endothelial injury Mouse 9.6, 96  mg/kg Decrease in thrombus size and atheroma
Zou JG et al.  [48] Endothelial function Rabbit 3 mg/kg Increase in endothelin, decrease of NO blocked
Wang Z et al.  [49] Platelet aggregation Rabbit 4 mg/kg Reduced platelet aggregation
Arichi H et al.  [50] Triglyceride synthesis Mouse 25, 50  mg/kg Reduced hepatic and adipose lipogenesis
Table 1: Pre-Clinical Studies of Resveratrol in Heart Disease.