Cases (n = 100) Controls (n = 100) p value<0.05
Age (n ± SD) 74.78 ± 9.23 72.83 ± 9.19 0.23
Males 53% 55% 0.89
Females 47% 45% 0.89
Hypertension 91% 92% 0.99
Diabetes mellitus 48% 40% 0.32
Hypercholesterolemia 37% 35% 0.88
Smoking 34% 30% 0.65
Obesity 16% 14% 0.84
Familiarity for CVD 19% 20% 0.99
ABI (n ± DS) 0.95 ± 0.18 0.97 ± 0.14 0.37
PAD 42% 27% 0.037
Coronary artery disease 49% 26% 0.0013
Cerebrovascular disease 34% 16% 0.0055
CVD: Cardiovascular Disease; ABI: Ankle Brachial Index; PAD: Peripheral Artery Disease
Table 1: Clinical characteristics of “Cases” group (fibrillating patients) and “Controls” group Sinusal Rhythm).