Cerebrovascular events(n = 50) Not Cerebrovascular events(n =150) p value<0.05
Age (n ± SD) 74.40 ± 9.69 73.15 ± 9.07 0.41
Males 26 (52%) 82 (54.6%) 0.87
Females 24 (48%) 68 (45.3%) 0.87
Hypertension 47 (94%) 136 (90.67%) 0.66
Diabetes mellitus 23 (46%) 65 (43.33%) 0.87
Hypercholesterolemia 17 (34%) 55 (36.67%) 0.86
Smoking 17 (34%) 47 (31.33%) 0.86
Obesity 10 (20%) 20 (13.33%) 0.36
Familiarity for CVD 11 (22%) 28 (18.67%) 0.76
ABI (n ± SD) 0.91± 0.18 0.96 ± 0.16 0.047
PAD + AF 16 (32%) 26 (17.33%) 0.045
AF  - PAD 18 (68%) 40 (27%) 0.28
SR + PAD 9 (18%) 18 (12%) 0.40
SR - PAD 7 (14%) 66 (44%) 0.0003
Cardiovascular events 20 (40%) 30 (20%) 0.80
CVD: Cardiovascular Disease; ABI: Ankle Brachial Index; AF: Atrial Fibrillation; PAD: Peripheral Artery Disease; SR: Sinus Rhythm; AF + PAD: Presence of AF and PAD: AF – PAD Presence of AF/absence of PAD; SR + PAD: Presence of PAD/ absence of AF; SR – PAD: Absence of PAD and AF
Table 3: Clinical characteristics of the population stratified according to the lack or presence of cerebrovascular events in the clinical history.