Family Member & Relation with ego Age, Sex and
Age of onset of disease
NYHA Class Echocardiographic findings ECG Symptoms BMI BP (Sys/Dia)
PW (LV) Thickness
IVS thickness
Proband 17yrs, M, 14yrs III 17 23 ST depression, Abnormal QRS complex Severe symptoms like fatigue, chest pain, with mild SAM & MR. 24.9 116/74
Father 51yrs, M, 48yrs II 19 31 ST depression Mild symptoms with mild SAM & MR 31.4 108/72
Brother 20yrs, M, NA - 10 10 Normal No symptoms 20.3 105/68
Brother 22 yrs, M, NA - 9 7 Normal No symptoms 27.2 120/78
Mother 43 yrs, F , NA - 10 9 Normal No symptoms 31.9 120/84
Father’s Sister 50yrs, F, NA - 8 8 Normal No symptoms 31.8 148/96
Father’s Sister 45yrs, F, NA - 10 8 Normal No symptoms 33.7 128/76
BMI: Body Mass Index; BP: Blood pressure; ECG:Electrocardiogram; MR:Mitral Regurtitation; SAM:Systolic Anterior Motion; PW: Posterior Wall; LV; left ventricular; mm;Milli meter; Sys:Systolic; Dia:Diastolic (Range for Normal BMI ≤ 25; Normal BP = 120/80).
Table 1: Clinical findings of the all family members.