1. NYHA class III/IV during hospital stay
2. Left ventricular systolic dysfunction (EF ≤ 40%)
3. heart failure in the last 6 months, > 1 co-pathologies (diabetes, COPD, cerebrovascular disease, renal failure). 
1. Active waiting list for heart transplantation
2. No possibility of discharge at home
3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
4. Surgically treatable valvular disease
5. Surgically treatable coronary disease
6. Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris or CABG in the previous two months
7. Psychiatric disease
8. Alcohol or drugs’ abuse
9. Non-cardiac disease with frequent hospital admissions
10. Concomitant studies
11. Uncapability or refusal to learn the use of PDA
12. Life expectancy less than 12 months
Table 1: Enrolling Criteria.