Experimental groups Time of administration [days] Cardiomyopathy N [%]
Sham-operated (n=10) - 0
21 to 28 day after MI
0.9% NaCl (n=8) 8 8 [100%]
0.4% DMSO (n=6) 8 1 [16%]*
M-2 (n=14) 8 1 [7%]*
21 to 35 day after MI
0.9% NaCl (n=8) 15 3 [38%]
0.4% DMSO (n=6) 15 1 [16%]
M-2 (n=14) 15 2 [14%]
11 to 28 day after MI
0.9% NaCl (n=8) 18 8 [100%]
0.4% DMSO (n=6) 18 3 [50%]
M-2 (n=14) 18 0*#
11 to 35 day after MI
0.9% NaCl (n=8) 25 3 [38%]
0.4% DMSO (n=6) 25 3 [50%]
M-2 (n=12) 25 0*#
6 to 35 day after MI
0.9% NaCl (n=8) 30 3 [38%]
0.4% DMSO (n=6) 30 3 [50%]
M-2 (n=10) 30 0*#
The chi-square-test (χ2 Yates) was used to estimate the significance between the incidences of cardiomyopathy development in all comparisons. In all cases differences were considered significant at P<0.05; n – number of animals/hearts; N – hearts with cardiomyopathy. *P<0.05 vs. 0.9% NaCl; #P<0.05 vs. 0.4% DMSO.
Table 1: Cardiomyopathy development after experimental infarction (MI) in rats treated with M-2 in the dose of 4 mg/kg- p.o. daily.