Figure 3: Panel A: Percent increases in CoQ10 levels in plasma (89%), LV (61%) and liver (1373%) on day 21 after a single intravenous injection of CoQ10 at minute 60 after coronary artery occlusion compared with shamoperated animals. CoQ10 levels were not significantly different between saline-treated MI and sham-operated animals. *p < 0.05 vs. sham + saline;†p < 0.05 vs. MI + saline. Panel B: Correlations between LV CoQ10 levels and end-systolic volume (r = –0.65, p < 0.001), ejection fraction (r = 0.67, p < 0.001), LV relaxation (dP/dt min, r = –0.64, p < 0.001) on day 21 following injection of CoQ10 at minute 60 after coronary artery occlusion. LV: Left ventricle; MI: Myocardial infarction.