Variables All patients (n=52) Coronary collateral circulation p
Well developed
Poor developed
Baseline characteristics
Mean age, years 64.6 ± 10.4 65.3 ± 9.5 63.9 ± 11.4 0.639
Male gender, n (%) 40 (77) 22 (81.5) 18 (72) 0.630
Height, cm 170.8 ± 6.9 171 ± 6.8 170 ± 7.2 0.839
Weight, kg 79.5 ± 7.8 80.2 ± 7.9 78.8 ± 7.7 0.530
Body mass index, kg/m2 27.1 ± 1.66 27.3 ± 1.8 27 ± 1.47 0.457
Hypertension, n (%) 13 (25) 10 (37) 3 (12) 0.078
Diabetes Mellitus, n (%) 15 (28.8) 9 (33.3) 6 (24) 0.663
Smoking status
Active smokers
32 (61.5)
17 (32.7)
3   (5.8)
16 (59.3)
9   (33.3)
2   (7.4)
16 (64)
8   (32)
1   (4)
Ejection fraction, % 60 (44-66) 44 (40-62) 66 (60-68.5) <0.001
Perfusion Index 6.2 ± 3.1 5.8 ± 3.1 6.7 ± 3 0.327
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg 110 (100-120) 110 (100-125) 110 (105-110) 0.410
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg 60 (61.2-73.7) 70 (60-75) 70 (62.5-72.5) 0.436
Duration of ischemic symptoms 8.01 ± 3.56 7.44 ± 3.04 8.8 ± 3.98 0.173
Laboratory findings
Total cholesterol, mg/dL 198.3±43.7 199.8±46.7 196.7±41.1 0.802
LDL, mg/dL 118.4±34.5 118.4±39.4 118.4±28.9 0.997
HDL, mg/dL 36 (33-40) 37 (31-40) 35 (33-41.5) 0.876
Triglyceride, mg/dL 160 (120-246.7) 180 (120-287) 133 (114-225) 0.394
Creatinine, mg/dl 0.9 (0.7-1.1) 0.9 (0.7-1.2) 0.9 (0.7-1.1) 0.447
Hemoglobin, mg/dl 13±2 13.1±2.1 12.8±2 0.660
Hematocrit, % 39.3±5.4 39.5 ±5.1 39.1±5.9 0.788
MCV, fl 85.3±6.3 85.1±5.5 85.5±7.2 0.814
RDW, % 14.9±1.1 14.8±1 15±1.3 0.572
MPV, fl 9.4± 1 9.4±1.1 9.3±0.9 0.913
PDW, % 45.6 (16.2-51.3) 47 (16.5-52.8) 9.2 (8.7-10.2) 0.148
N/L ratio 2.3 (1.9-3.2) 2.3 (1.9-3.1) 2.3 (1.9-3.5) 0.798
Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the study patients; and their comparisons.