Methods Suggested Cut-off values Sensitivity Specificity AUC
Jet width/ PA diameter >50% 59% 100% 0.635
PHT >77 msec 27.7 100% 0.545
PRi <0.8 86.36 100% 0.924
NFT >64msec 81% 100% 0.894
DSTVI >0.71 95.4 66.6 0.705
AUC: Area Under The Curve; PA: Pulmonary Artery; PHT: Pressure Half Time; Pri: Pulmonary Regurge Index; NFT: No Flow Time; DSTVI: Diastole Systole Time Velocity Integral Ratio
Table 5: Assessment of echocardiographic measurements for detection of significant PR, based on suggested cut-off values.