Variables n %
Female 53 66.2
Male 27 33.8
White 65 81.2
Not white 15 18.8
Marital Status    
Married 44 55.0
Widowed 16 20.0
Separated 12 15.0
Single 8 10.0
Level of Education    
Illiterate 15 18.7
Incomplete primary education 37 46.2
Primary Education 12 15.0
Imcomplete High School 5 6.3
High School 5 6.3
Higher Education 6 7.5
Domestic services 25 31.2
Retired 52 65.0
Others 3 3.8
Age (years, mean ± SD*)   62.2 ±14.1
Blood Pressure    
Systolic Pressure (mmHg, mean ± SD)   125.9 ± 22.5
Diastolic Pressure (mmHg, mean ± SD)   74.7 ± 13.6
Table 1: Characteristics of Biosocial hypertensive, Ribeirão Preto, 2009. *SD - Standard deviation