Improvement or no change in diastolic function(n=67) Worsening of diastolic function
P value
Age, yrs 47.8±15.3 57.1±6.7 0.028
Female gender 53 (79.1%) 14 (100%) 0.060
Nationality     0.49
Lebanese 54(80.6%) 12(85.7%)  
Iraqi 11(16.4%) 1(7.1%)  
Others 2 (3.0%) 1(7.1%)  
Body mass index, kg/m2 (n=80) 26.7±4.8 30.9±7.2 0.008
Body surface area, m2 (n=80) 1.77±0.17 1.85±0.21 0.11
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg (n=73) 125±16 134±20 0.094
Hypertension 16(23.9%) 4(28.6%) 0.71
Diabetes 9(13.4%) 1(7.1%) 0.5
Prior revascularization 7(10.4%) 2(14.3%) 0.68
Smoking history 26(38.8%) 6(42.9%) 0.78
Sedentary lifestyle 56(83.6%) 14(100%) 0.10
Cancer type      
Breast cancer 49(73.1%) 13(92.9%) 0.11
Lymphoma 7(10.4%) 0(0%) 0.34
Other 11(16.4%) 1(7.1%) 0.68
Creatinine, mg/dL (n=77) 0.69±0.18 0.70±0.22 0.87
Glomerular filtration rate, ml/min/1.72m2 (n=76) 135±49 136±39 0.91
Beta blockers 16(23.9%) 4(28.6%) 0.71
ACEi/ARB 16(23.9%) 1(7.1%) 0.16
Statins 11(16.4%) 3 (21.4%) 0.65
Anthracyclines or monoclonalantibodies based tyrosine kinaseinhibitors 25(37.3%) 10(71.4%) 0.019
Table 4: Baseline characteristics of patients stratified by worsening of diastolic function