Previous IHD(n=274) No previous IHD (n=359) p
Age, yrs 60.82 65.83 0.000 (1)
Sex: Male
278 (82.8%)
81 (17.2%)
227 (77.4%)
47 (22.6%)
0.057 (1)
Tobacco: Smoker
79 (29.3%)
124 (45.9%)
67 (24.8%)
169 (47.9%)
87 (24.6%)
97 (27.5%)
0.000 (2)
BMI, Kg/m2 28.23 28.55 0.380 (3)
Hypertension 193 (72.0%) 185 (52.0%) 0.000 (1)
Type 2 diabetes 1204 (4.3%) 81 (23.1%) 0.000 (1)
AMI as a manifestation of ACS 185 (68.3%) 297 (83.4%) 0.000 (1)
Angina as a manifestation of  ACS 92 (33.9%) 61 (17.1%) 0.000 (1)
Table 1: Characteristics of the 633 patients with acute coronary syndrome, according to a history of ischemic heart disease. (1) Fisher exact test, (2) chi-squared, (3) Anova test.