Characteristics CG MG TG MTG
Gender (male/female) 12/7 13/7 12/7 12/8
Smoker 8 9 10 9
Diabetes Mellitus 9 10 11 10
Hypertension 8 8 9 10
Mild PAD 10 10 11 9
Moderate PAD 9 10 9 11
Age (y) 58.43±4.96 60.52±5.30 57.20±6.21 61.36±7.25
Course of disease (months) 75.00±32.00 80.00±46.00 78.00±48.00 84.00±42.00
ABI 0.63±0.21 0.62±0.27 0.64±0.29 0.61±0.24
Table 1: Comparison of the general information of all subjects among four groups (x ± s).