Groups Time to onset of claudication pain Time to severe claudication pain
Before treatment After treatment Before treatment After treatment
CG (n=19) 3.9±1.6 4.2±2.3 7.2±2.2 7.6±2.8
MG (n=20) 4.0±1.8 5.9±2.4ab 7.4±2.5 8.7±3.0ab
TG (n=19) 4.1±2.0 6.7±2.9abc 7.3±2.8 10.6±3.7abc
MTG (n=20) 4.1±1.9 7.1±2.8abc 7.1±2.6 12.7±4.0abcd
Table 3: Comparison of the treadmill exercise test results before and after treatment (x ± s, min). aCompared with pre-therapy, p<0.05; bCompared with CG, p<0.05; cCompared with MG, p<0.05; dCompared with TG, p<0.05.