Groups Walking speed% Walking distance% Ability of climbing stairs %
  Before After Before After Before After
CG (n=19) 58.62±13.17 60.23±14.35 58.31±13.41 61.21±14.28 78.57±21.37 77.54±19.87
MG (n=20) 57.97±13.57 63.53±17.84ab 57.94±13.89 62.40±15.12ab 76.43±19.25 80.93±20.67ab
TG (n=19) 56.68±12.95 68.47±16.31abc 57.56±12.83 67.24±15.34abc 77.45±20.03 86.54±21.33abc
MTG (n=20) 59.21±13.25 70.29±17.34abc 59.24±13.41 68.35±15.98abc 77.12±19.82 90.41±20.65abcd
Table 5: Comparison of WIQ assessments before and after treatment (x ± s). aCompared with pre-therapy, p<0.05; bCompared with CG, p<0.05; cCompared with MG, p<0.05; dCompared with TG, p<0.05.