NS-5 Resveratrol Quercetin d-Tocotrienol
# Genes Pre-dose Post-dose Post-dose Post-dose Post-dose‡ Descriptions
      % % % %  
I             Cardiovascular disease
1 Resistin 100 39 ± 3.02** 43 ± 1.21** 52 ± 1.96** 72 ± 1.04** Pathogenesis of obesity-mediatedinsulin
resistanceand type2diabetes mellitus
2 IL-2 100 28 ± 1.99** 73 ± 1.52* 79 ± 2.64** 71 ± 1.71** Interleukin-2
3 IL-6 100 56 ± 2.20** 76 ± 2.02** 61 ± 0.89** 62 ± 1.36** Interleukin-6
4 IL-8 100 65 ± 1.22** 69 ± 1.22** 77 ± 2.62** 67 ± 2.36** Interleukin-8
5 IL-12 100 18 ± 0.62** 78 ± 1.03** 70 ± 2.06** 71 ± 3.40** Interleukin-12
6 1L-17a 100 63 ± 2.17** 82 ± 1.86** 69 ± 0.89** 84 ± 0.54** Insulin-enhances nitric oxide,&NF-κB.
7 IL-18 100 75 ± 1.24** 59 ± 1.30** 85 ± 1.34** 79 ± 3.00** Interleukin-18
8   COX-2   100   69 ± 1.35**   69 ± 0.83**   61 ± 2.68**   70 ± 1.52**   Cyclooxygenase-2
9 GAPDH 100 82 ± 1.76**   88 ± 2.03* 88 ± 1.00* 71 ± 2.66** Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
10 IP-10 100 83 ± 1.61**   37 ± 1.85** 30 ± 8.50** 19 ± 2.64** Interferon-Inducible Protein-10
II Inflammation
11 TNF-a 100 52 ± 1.80** 57 ± 2.11** 27 ± 0.87** 87 ± 0.94* Tumor Necrosis Factor-a
12 INF-g 100 61 ± 2.57** 73 ± 2.48** 45 ± 3.0** 64 ± 1.90** Interferon-g
13 MIP-1a 100 62 ± 1.95** 73 ± 1.55** 67 ± 0.46** 64 ± 1.53** MacrophageInflammatoryProtein-1a
14 NOS-2 100 61 ± 2.02** 62 ± 1.62** 76 ± 0.81** 64 ± 4.24** Nitric oxidesynthase-2
15 VCAM-1 100 83 ± 2.36** 83 ± 2.59** 72 ± 0.72** 84 ± 0.91** Vascularcelladhesionmolecule
16 MCP-1 100 35 ± 2.44** 60 ± 3.22** 36 ± 2.83** 39 ± 0.66** MonocyteChemotacticProtein-1
III Cancer
17 IGF-1 100 64 ± 4.03** 74 ± 1.99** 65 ± 1.49** 61 ± 3.69** Insulin-likeGrowthFactor-1
18 P-53 100 165 ± 2.43** 3.27** 126 ± 0.57** 197 ± 2.96** P-53 tumor suppressor protein
19 FAS-1 100 155 ± 3.65** 148 ± 1.44** 129 ± 1.41** 132 ± 0.89** Fattyacid synthetase-1
20 VEGF 100 65 ± 2.09** 73 ± 3.84** 71 ± 0.93** 78 ± 1.74* VascularEndothelialGrowthFactor
21 CCND-1 100 27 ± 4.89** 48 ± 1.37** 71 ± 0.59** 63 ± 3.31** CyclinD-1
IV Diabetes
22 PAI-1 100 33 ± 1.61** 76 ± 1.15** 57 ± 2.93** 72 ± 1.02** PlasmenogenActivatorInhibitor-1
V Aging
23 IL-1a 100 45 ± 3.15** 72 ± 1.84** 53 ± 1.99** 66 ± 2.76** Interleukin-1a
24 IL-10 100 17 ± 1.91** 45 ± 1.79** 57 ± 2.66** 45 ± 0.66** Interleukin-10
 - V alues in a row sharing a common asterisk are significantly different at P<0.01; P<0.001. ‡
The effect of δ-tocotrienol on resistin, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-α and IFNγ has been reported recently (AAQ et al. BJMMR. 6(4): 351-366, and JCEC. 2015. 6:4. 1000367).
The mRNAs IL-12, IL-17α, IL-18 (inflammation); IL-2 (cancer); and resistin, IL-6, IL-17α (diabetes) also involved in these diseases.
Table 5: Effects of NS-5, resveratrol, quercetin, and δ-tocotrienol (Pre-dose vs Post-dose) on gene expression of messengerRNAs (mRNAs) of hypercholesterolemic humans.