Parameter SAS (n=2,726) FAS (n=1,537)
Age, years (mean ± SD) 70.6 ±10.4 71.0 ± 10.2
Gender, n (%)    
Male 1,706 (62.6%) 974 (63.4%)
Female 1,013 (37.2%) 558 (36.3)
Missing 7 (0.3%) 5 (0.3%)
Diagnosis of CHD, n (%)    
Yes 2,206 (80.9%) 1,266 (82.4%)
No 287 (10.5%) 152 (9.9%)
Missing 233 (8.6%) 119 (7.7%)
Revascularisation therapy, n (%) 1,435 (52.6%) 826 (53.7%)
Stent 1,234 (52.5%) 721 (51.2%)
Balloon dilatation 662 (28.2%) 421 (29.9%)
Coronary bypass surgery 455 (19.4%) 264 (18.8%)
Disease duration, n (%)    
≤6 months   404 (26.3%)
>6 to ≤12 months   161 (10.5%)
>1 to ≤2 years   194 (12.6%)
>2 to ≤3 years   163 (10.6%)
>3 to ≤4 years   124 (8.1%)
>4 to ≤5 years   92 (6.0%)
>5 years   399 (26.0%)
Table 1: Baseline demographics, SAS: Safety analysis set, FAS: Full analysis set.