Complete PCI group Culprit only PCI group χ2 value or t value P Value
(n=24) (n=50)
Age (years) 61.62±10.17 62.82±10.38 1.12* 0.765
Gender (Male) (%) 19 (79.1) 41 (82) 0.09 0.771
History of hypertension (%) 20(83.3) 42(84) 0.01 0.942
History of diabetes (%) 14(58.3) 30(60) 0.02 0.891
Smoking history (%) 17(70.8) 36(72) 0.01 0.917
Family history of coronary heart disease (%) 4(16.7) 8(16) 0.01 0.942
Glucose mmol/l 7.15±1.23 7.23±1.35 -0.74* 0.736
Cholesterol mmol/l 4.58±1.26 4.60±1.35 2.23* 0.157
High-density lipoprotein mmol/l 0.92±0.33 0.94±0.22 -0.42* 0.149
Low-density lipoprotein mmol/l 3.20±1.07 3.19±1.04 0.77* 0.333
Triglyceride mmol/l 1.82±1.04 1.81±1.06 1.69* 0.282
Creatinineumol/l 73.13±43.15 72.12±43.23 3.57* 0.978
CKMB ug/l 177.68±78.28 178.56±78.34 -2.26* 0.958
cTnIng/ml 17.28±9.36 17.15±9.22 1.56* 0.698
Left ventricular ejection fraction (%) 57.39±4.65 57.23±4.59 -2.85* 0.697
Killip class III/IV at admission (%) 3(12.5) 6(12) 0 0.951
Statins (%) 22 (91.7) 45 (90) 0.05 0.819
ACEI (or ARB) (%) 19 (79.1) 41(82) 0.09 0.771
BB (%) 19 (79.1) 40 (80) 0.01 0.933
ASA (%) 21 (87.5) 46 (92) 0.38 0.536
Clopidogrel (%) 22 (91.7) 48 (96) 0.6 0.440
Note: *means t value, all others are χ2 value; ACEI (ARB): angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (angiotensin ӀI receptor antagonist); BB: Beta Blockers; ASA: Aspirin; CKMB: creatine kinase MB; cTnI: cardiac troponin I
Table 1: Comparison of baseline characteristics of the two groups of patients.