Parameters Frequency (%) χ- Square P-Value
SCA Controls
Leg ulcers 8(13.33) 0(0) 8.57 0.003*
Leg oedema 4(6.67) 0(0) 4.14 0.042*
Displaced cardiac Apex 42 (70.00) 0(0) 64.62 <0.001*
Raised JVP 13 (21.70) 0(0) 14.58 <0.001*
Left parasternal heave 5 (8.30) 0(0) 5.22 0.022*
Active Precordium 26 (43.30) 0(0) 33.19 <0.001*
Loud P2 50 (83.30) 0(0) 85.71 <0.001*
Expiratory splitting of S2 10 (16.70) 0(0) 10.91 <0.001*
SCA- sickle cell anaemia, JVP- jugular venous pulsation, P2- pulmonary component of second heart sound, S2- second heart sound, CTR- cardiothoracic ratio.*Statistically significant (the degree of freedom = 1)
Table 4: Clinical findings in patients and controlsClinical findings in patients based on the hematocrit level.