PA before On -Site Site Cardiac Surgery Backup (N:88) PA after On -Site Site Cardiac Surgery Backup (N:156)  P value
Age ( years: mean ± SD) 64.8 ± 11 63.6 ± 13 0.56
Female sex -no. (%) 23/ 88 - 26.13 46/ 156 - 29.48 0.45
Left ventricular ejection fraction -% 53. 2 ± 8.72 51. 7 ± 10.43 0.38
Medical history - no./total no. (%)  
Stroke 10/ 88 - 11.36 16/ 156 - 10.25 0.62
Smoking 51/ 88 - 57.95 89/ 156 - 57.05 0.64
Diabetes Mellitus  23/ 88 -26.13 42/ 156 - 26.92 0.53
Hypertension 49/ 88 - 55.68 85/ 156 - 54.48 0.55
Previous PCI 4/ 88 - 4.5 10/ 156 - 6.41 0.48
Previous CABG 9/ 88 - 10.22 17/ 156 - 10.89 0.56
Indication for Primary PCI – no./total no. (%)  
Cardiogenic shock 4/ 88 - 4.54 8/ 156 - 5.12 0.66
Acute anterior MI 29/ 88 - 32.29 54/ 156 - 32.05 0.65
Acute inferior MI 59/ 88 - 67.04 102/ 156 – 65.76 0.45
Time From Chest Pain to Presentation (min)  261 ± 12 302 ± 23 0.35
Door - to - Balloon Time (min)  38 ± 19 43 ± 11 0.25
Reperfusion time (h: mean ± SD)  2. 33 ± 9.1 2.61 ± 8.4 0.23
Location of vessel - No. of patients/total no. (%)  
Left main coronary artery  0/ 88 0/ 156 0
Left anterior descending artery  29/ 88 - 32.29 54/ 156 - 32.05 0.56
Circumflex artery 20/ 88 - 22.72 33/ 156 - 21.15 0.65
Rigth coronary artery  39/ 88 - 44.31 69/ 156 - 44.23 0.45
Trombus aspiration 4/ 88 - 4.54 8/ 156 - 5.12 0.56
Vascular complication  2/ 88 - 1.36 3/ 156 - 1.25 0.45
İntraaortic balon pump 5/ 88 - 5. 68  5/ 88 - 5.68 0/ 156 0.0001
Table 1: Clinical angiographic characteristics and overall procedural data of patients.