High ε (n=29) Low ε (n=10) P-value
PCT [ng/mL] 0.4 (0.10, 143.9) 1.8 (0. mg/ml 0, 9.35) < 0.05
CRP [mg/dL] 5.2 (0.10, 29.10) 10 (0.80, 19.10) NS
Albmin [g/dL] 3.4 (2.0, 4.1) 3.55 (2.4, 3.8) NS
ESR [mm/h] 68.9 (31.8) 65 (27.1) NS
LAD Z-score 0 (-2.78, 7.78) 0 (-2.20, 1.36) NS
LMA Z-score -0.1 (-2.36, 4.53) -0.1 (-1.47, 1.00) NS
RCA Z-score -0.1 (-1.66, 4.53) 0 (-1.19, 0.85) NS
Preserved strain refers to patients with the highest 75% of values; depressed strain includes patients with the lowest 25% of values. NS refers to p-values >0.05. Values are presented as median (range) except ESR which is presented as mean (standard deviation). PCT: Procalcitonin; CRP: C-Reactive Protein; LAD: Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery; LMCA: Left Main Coronary Artery; RCA: Right Coronary Artery.
Table 4: Comparison of markers of inflammation and coronary artery dilation between patients with high and low circumferential ε.