Case No. Author (Pub. year) Age Sex

Clinical findings

Autopsy findings

Asthma Hypereo. Angina SCD HW ECPA Affected vessels Tissue Eo. SCAD
1 Dowling (1987) [14] 27 F N.D. N.D. N.D. (+) 290 g (+) RCA (-) (+)
2 Hunsaker (1992) [15] 57 F Allergy (-) (+) (+) 430 g (+) LAD (-) (+)
3 Siegel (1994) [16] 36 F (-) (-) (+) (+) 300 g (+) LAD (-) (+)
4 Bateman-1(1995) [17] 34 F (-) (-) (+) (+) 280 g (+) LAD (-) (+)
5 Bateman-2(1995) [17] 40 F (-) (-) (+) (+) N.D. (+) LAD (-) (+)
6 Basso-1 (1996) [18] 43 F (-) (-) (-) (+) N.D.# (+) LAD N.D. (+)
7 Basso-2 (1996) [18] 50 F (-) (-) (-) (+) N.D.# (+) LAD N.D. (+)
8 Basso-3 (1996) [18] 48 F (-) (-) (+) (+) N.D.# (+) LAD, LCX N.D. (+)
9 Basso-4 (1996) [18] 37 F (-) (-) (-) (+) N.D.# (+) LMC (-) (+)
10 Salmo (2002) [19] 55 F (-) (-) (+) (+) 360 g (+) LAD (-) (+)
11 Lepper (2005) [20] 43 F (-) (-) (+) (+) 470 g (+) LAD, LCX, RCA (-) (+)
12 Stoukas-1 (2009) [21] 43 M (-) (-) (+) (+) N.D. (+) LAD (-) (+)
13 Stoukas-2 (2009) [21] 39 F (-) (-) (+) (+) 327 g (+) LAD (-) (+)
14 Fengping (2011) [22] 53 F N.D. N.D. (+) (+) 235 g (+) LAD (-) (+)
15 Omalu (2011) [13] 64 F (-) (-) (+) (+) 330 g (+) LAD (-) (+)
Pub. year, publication year; [ ], reference number; Hypereo., hypereosinophilia; SCD, sudden cardiac death; HW, heart weight; ECPA, eosinophilic coronary periarteritis; Tissue Eo., tissue eosinophilia, SCAD, spontaneous coronary artery dissection; N.D., not described; N.D.#, heart weight from 280 to 340 g; LAD, left coronary anterior descending artery; LCX, left coronary circumflex artery; LMC, left main coronary artery; RCA, right coronary artery
Table 2: Reported cases of eosinophilic coronary periarteritis with spontaneous coronary artery dissection.