UV index number Index map color code UV exposure category Recommended exposure protection
1-2 Green Low Sunglasses, sunscreens 15+
3-5 Yellow Moderate Hat, sunglasses, sunscreens 15+
6-7 Orange High Hat, sunglasses, sunscreens 15+, long-sleeved shirt & long pants, avoid midday exposures
8-10 Red Very high Hat, sunglasses, consider sunscreens 30+, long-sleeved shirt & long pants, avoid exposures from 10 am-4 pm, bright surfaces (sand, snow, ice, water) that reflect & double UV exposures
11+ Purple Extreme Hat, sunglasses, sunscreens 30+, long-sleeved shirt & long pants, avoid exposures from 10 am-4 pm, bright surfaces (sand, snow, ice, water) that reflect & double UV exposures
Table 1: Interpreting the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Daily UV Index Map.