Control group (n = 18) Aclang group (n = 35) P-value
Age (years)   63.2 ± 9.5 62.5 ± 9.0 0.749
Sex Female/Male 8/10 14/21 0.756
Biliary decompression No/Yes 12/6 20/15 0.502
Tumor Location Head/ Body+Tail 11/7 23/12 0.590
Resectability1 PR/BR/LA 14/4/0 23/11/1 0.602
Operation PD/ DPS/TP 10(8)*/7/1 23(21)*/12/0 0.392
Vascular resection2 No/Yes 16/1 29/6 0.576
Blood loss (ml)   709.4 ± 556.9 660.2 ± 423.1 0.667
Transfusion No/ Yes 12/5 25/10 0.726
Operation time (min) No/ Yes 423.3 ± 192.2 426.0 ± 171.9 0.843
Tumor Size (cm)   2.7 ± 1.8 2.9 ± 1.3 0.585
T-stage T1/T2/T3/T4 0/0/17/0 1/1/31/2 0.510
N-stage N0/N1 7/10 13/22 0.964
PNI No/ Yes 6/11 11/23 0.781
LVI No/ Yes 12/5 19/15 0.655
Tumor Grade Well 6 5 0.466
  Moderate 11 26  
  Poor 1 3  
  Undifferentiated 0 1  
R0 resection R0/R1/R2 15/2/0 29/3/3 0.590
Postoperative chemotherapy GEM-based/ 5FU-based 11/7 28/7 0.198
LOH (days)   22.6 ± 12.1 19.9 ± 9.7 0.553
POPF No/ Yes 15/2 34/1 0.915
Mortality No/ Yes 17/0 35/0 NA
12010 NCCN guidelines, PR=potentially resectable, BR=borderline resectable, LA=locally advanced 2Portal vein wedge resection (1) in the control group vs. portal vein segmental resection, (2) wedge resection, or (3) in the Aclang group. * ; indicates pylorus-preserving procedure. PNI; perineural invasion, LVI; lymphovascular invasion, LOH; length of hospital stay, POPF; postoperative pancreatic fistula
Table 2: Clinicopathological features of patients in Aclang and control groups.