Sl no. Ash taken (gm) NaOH taken (gm) Vol of NaOH (ml) Vol of silicate (ml) Specific gravity % silica in solution Undigested ash (gm) % silica digested
1 10 20 500 490 1.04 1.23 1.7 63.96
2 20 20 500 450 1.052 2.33 3.6 61.28
3 30 20 500 375 1.06 3.58 6 63.24
4 40 20 500 340 1.07 5.11 8.5 68.35
5 50 20 500 310 1.077 5.66 12.6 60.96
Table 3: Digestion of rice husk ash for 1 hour in 1.0N NaOH solution.