Serial No. SKL Band position (cm-1) DL Band position (cm-1) Assignment
1 3424 3454 O-H stretching
2 2960 2937 C-H stretching
3 2920 2870 C-H stretching
4 2652 - C-H stretching
5 - 1664 C=O stretching (unconjugated)
6 1603 - Aromatic skeletal vibration+C=O stretching
7 1511 1501 Aromatic skeletal vibration
8 1455 1437 C-H deformation (CH3 and CH2)
9 - 1409 C-H in-plane deformation with aromatic ring stretching
10 - 1389 C-O of syringyl (S) ring
11 1264 1248 C-O of guaiacyl (G) ring
12 1206 - C-C + C-O stretch
13 1095 1092 Aromatic C-H in-plane deformation in the guaiacyl ring
Table 2: Results of the IR Bands obtained in SKL and DL.