PBDE   Quantification ion Lock-mass ion
  Ions for SIR* Summary formula Exact mass Exact mass
BDE-17 245.9680, 247.9661, 248.9694 C12H7BrO+ 245.9680 202.9856
BDE-47 and BDE-66 323.8785, 325.8765, 327.8746 C12H6Br2O 325.8765 330.9792
BDE-100 401.7891, 403.7870, 405.7850, 407.7832 C12H5Br3O 403,7870 404.9760
BDE-153 481.6975, 483.6955, 485.6953 C12H4Br4O 483.6955 480.9696
BDE-183 719.4427, 721.4407, 723.4387, 725.4366 C12H3Br7O 721.4407 716.9569
PCB-209 (IS) 493.6885, 495.6856, 497.6827, 499.6798, 501.6769 C12Cl10 497.6827 492.9696
*At LRMS all the SIR ions were used for quantification.
Table 1: The SIR ions, quantification ions and lock-mass ions for each component.