Analyte Assay (spiking method) Assay in serum
Conc. %RSD % Rec %RSD %Rec
CAP 8 0.01 101 0.002 101
10 0.33 100.04 0.02 102
12 0.02 99.97 0.03 101
HCT 8 0.01 100.5 0.002 100.3
10 0.3 100.02 0.002 101.3
12 0.3 99.98 0.02 100.3
FRS 8 0.22 99.3 0.5 100.2
10 0.2 99.98 0.36 100.6
12 1.03 99 0.9 101.3
CAP: captopril; HCT: hydrochlorothiazide; FRS: furosemide
Table 3: Accuracy of the proposed method for captopril, hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide.