S.No Column Used Mobile Phase Parameter optimised Inj. Vol. Observation Flow rate Results
2a Kromasil Eternity C-18 (50×2.1 mm) 2.5 μm Ammonium acetate (PH 6.7): CAN (gradient) Flow rate and gradient 5 μl Pear shape not good, More run time 0.25ml/min Method rejected
2b Kromasil Eternity C-18 (50×2.1 mm) 2.5 μm Ammonium acetate (PH 6.7): CAN (gradient) gradient 5 μl Tailing observed 0.35ml/min Method rejected
2c Kromasil Eternity C-18 (50×2.1 mm) 2.5 μm Ammonium acetate (PH 6.7): CAN (gradient) gradient 3 μl Longer run time 0.35ml/min Method rejected
2d Kromasil Eternity C-18 (50×2.1 mm) 2.5 μm Ammonium acetate (PH 6.7): CAN (gradient) gradient 2 μl Peak shape good 0.35ml/min Method accepted
Table 1: Different chromatographic conditions applied and results obtained.