Tablet Component Label claim (mg) Amount found % of lable claim (n=5) ± % RSD (n=5)
Brand A PCM 325 324.8 99.583 ± 0.29
DMP 10 10.03 100.1 ± 0.65
TMD 37.5 37.48 99.32 ± 0.42
Brand B PCM 325 325.01 100.17 ± 0.42
DMP 10 9.98 99.64 ± 0.16
TMD 37.5 37.45 99.63 ± 0.27
n=number of determinations
Table 5: Results from analysis of paracetamol, domperidone and tramadol HCl in
the combined tablet dosage form.