Saha’s study 82005 Yeoh stud71997 Nawaz study92005 Audit by Simon Rasbridge61995 Present study
ASCUS 0 0 0 0 3(1.02%)
ASC H 0 0 0 0 4(2.06%)
Negative/benign 0 1 (9.09%) 0 5 9 (4.61%)
LSIL 0 1 (9.09%) 0 6 2 (1.02%)
HSIL 0 3 (27.2%) 2(2.7%) 10 14(7.17%)
Squamous cell carcinoma 3 (100%) 6 (54.5%) 73 (97.3%) 123(91.8%) 163(83.6%)
Total  cases 3 11 75 134 195
Table 4: Comparison of the concordance for squamous cell carcinoma in various studies.