Yeoh71997 Sodhani102004 Saha82005 Nawaz92005 Present study
Negative/benign 10(7.81%) 0 28(27.45%) 3(7.5%) 4(8.69%)
ASCUS 10(11.11%) 4(4%) 0 0 9(22.58%)
ASC-H 0 6(6%) 0 0 1(3.22%)
LSIL 32(11.11%) 16(16%) 19(18.63%) 10(25%) 10(32.2%)
HSIL 72(55.56%) 74(74%) 72(70.59%) 22(55%) 6(26.08%)
SCC 4 (3.125%) 0 3(2.95%) 5(12.50%) 1(65.21%)
Total 128 100 102 40 31
Table 5: Comparison of concordance rate for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia cin ii & iii with other studies.