Figure 9: 20 µm frozen section of optic nerve and optic tectum of Nothobranchius guentheri probed with rabbit E587 antibody mouse anti- TNR. (A�C) shows images of the ON. E587 positive astrocytic processes are visible along with anti-TNR signal which appears restricted to specific cell bodies. There is no evidence for colocalization as in Figures 5 and 7. (D�F) shows images of the OT. The anti-TNR signal (E) is ordered in four layers corresponding with the SO (T1); uSGI (T2); SGI (T3); and SAI (T4) into the SGPV. These layers appear broader than the corresponding E587 layers and each layer fades in the direction of the inner layers of the tectum. (G�I) show magnified images of the OT which clearly show that E587 and anti-TNR signal do not colocalize. The anti-TNR signal is restricted to small cell bodies in the tissue. Scale bar = 20 µm.