Sl No No of Cases Cellular arranmement Type of basaloid cells Background Cytological diagnoses Histopathological diagnoses
1 4 Clusters and rosettes Uniform cuboid cells with small dark nucleus and large pale nucleus Diffuse lymphocytes, occasional hyaline eosinophilic material Benign Spiradenoma
2 4 Tight clusters Small round cells with clearcytoplasm and polygonal cells with basophilic cytoplasm   Benign Nodular hidradenoma
3 1 Papillary fragments Bland basaloid cells Fibrovascular core traversing the cells Benign Papillary eccrine adenoma
4 2 Solitary cells scattered throughout the smear Bland basaloid cells Fibrillary chondromyxoid stroma Benign Chondroid syringoma
5 1 Islands of cells palisaded manner Bland basaloid cells Thick hyaline globules Thick hyaline globules Benign Cyloindroma
6 2 Syncytial aggregates. Folding sheets Pleomophic epithelial cells Fibrovascular core traversing the cell fragments Malignant Digital papillary adenocarcino ma
7 4 Clusters and galndular structures Pleomorphic epithelial cells, atypical mitotic figures Necrosis Malignant Sweat gland adenocarcino ma
8 1 Clusters and solitary cells Epithelial cells with mild nuclear pleomorphism Mucin rich Malignant Mucinous carcinoma of sweat gland
9 1 Tridi        
Table 2: Cytological features of benign and malignant basaloid neoplasms with their histopathological diagnoses.