Treatment Plant height (cm) Fresh shoot weight (mg) Dry shoot weight (mg)
Treatment 1 7.37c 50.67a 10.27a
Treatment 2 5.73f 46.00d 8.37cd
Treatment 3 6.67de 47.13cd 8.77bc
Treatment 4 6.47e 46.73d 9.03b
Treatment 5 8.77ab 42.50e 7.87d
Treatment 6 7.07cd 50.03ab 10.53a
Treatment 7 8.23b 46.47d 8.83bc
Treatment 8 8.80a 48.60bc 9.07b
Treatment 9 7.40c 46.87d 8.83bc
Treatment 10 8.73ab 47.63cd 9.07b
LSD 0.52 1.53 0.53
CV% 4.07 1.90 3.43
CV% = Variation of coefficient; LSD = least significant difference.
Values in vertical columns followed by different superscripted letters are significantly different at p < 0.05. Means showing the same letters are not significantly different (P=0.05) according to Duncan’s multiple range test.
Table 2: Growth promotion effect depicted by difference in mean values, their least significant differences (LSD) and coefficient of variation (CV%).