Figure 4: (a) is a photomicrograph of a section of testis from a control rat showing the normal content of mucopolysaccharides in testicular tissue. (b) is a photomicrograph of a section of testis from a control radiated rat showing amarked decrease in mucopolysaccharide content compared with previous group. (C) is a photomicrograph of a section of testis from a rat that received curcumin orally in a dose of 5mg/kg b.w./day and then radiated with UV radiation in the same dose of previous group showing diminution of the mucopolysaccharide content of testicular tissue. (d) ) is a photomicrograph of a section of testis from a rat that received curcumin orally in a dose of 25mg/kg b.w./day and then radiated with UV radiation showing that mucopolysaccharide content of tissue is much less than that of control group. (e) is a photomicrograph of a section of testis from a rat that received curcumin orally in a dose of 50 mg/kg b.w./day and then radiated with UV radiation showing a remarkable diminution of mucopolysaccharide content if compared with the control group. (PAS X 200).