Dry Noodles |
Cooked Noodles |
Appearance |
Hardness(*) |
Acceptability |
Appearance |
Stickness |
Elasticity |
Flavour |
Acceptability |
(reference sample) |
5.00a |
5.00a |
5.00a |
5.00a |
5.00a |
5.00a |
5.00a |
5.00a |
1.92e(0.83) |
2.17d(0.67) |
2.08d(0.67) |
2.92d(0.51) |
2.00d(0.74) |
2.83d(0.72) |
3.75b(0.87) |
2.25c(0.45) |
1S_9M_N |
4.58ab(0.67) |
4.58a(0.67) |
4.67ab(0.65) |
4.58ab(0.67) |
4.50ab(0.80) |
4.50abc(0.67) |
4.67a(0.49) |
4.67a(0.78) |
2S_8M_N |
4.42a(0.67) |
4.67a(0.65) |
4.50ab(0.80) |
4.50bc(0.67) |
4.42ab(0.79) |
4.58ab(0.79) |
4.58a(0.51) |
4.75ab(0.45) |
3S_7M_N |
3.92c(0.51) |
3.92c(0.51) |
4.42bc(0.79) |
4.08bc(0.67) |
4.25bc(0.87) |
4.33bc(0.78) |
4.75a(0.45) |
4.58ab(0.67) |
4S_6M_N |
3.33d(0.49) |
3.25c(0.75) |
3.92c(0.67) |
4.17c(0.39) |
3.75c(0.62) |
4.00c(0.60) |
4.67a(0.65) |
4.17b(0.58) |
(*) Appearance : transparence and glossiness, Hardness : broken degree, Elasticity : stretching it until they broke; Stickiness : attaching two noodle strands to each
other and pulling them apart. All values are mean of three replications. Data in the parenthesis are standard deviation. Within the same column, the values with different
letters are significant difference at p < 0.05 by LSD test. |