Total peak
area (TIC)
Main effects P value Quadratic effects P value Interaction effects P value
  (x 104) X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3
b0 44373.22 <0.0001*
b1 6911.56   0.3215≠
b2 483.93     0.1427≠
b3 740.88       0.0012*
b12 -2078.31         0.0730≠
b22 -911.59           0.3779≠
b32 -416.61             0.7027≠
b12 237.50               0.2521≠
b13 -737.50                 0.9839≠
b23 -12.50                  
R2 0.9658                  
R2(adj) 0.9315                  
Regression P <0.0001*                  
Lack of fit value 0.000*                  

bi The estimated regression coefficient for the main linear effects (b1, b2 & b3)
bii The estimated regression coefficient for the quadratic effects (b12, b22, b32)
bij The estimated regression coefficient for the interaction effects (b12, b13, b23)
*Significant (P < 0.05)
≠Not significant (P > 0.05) ( ) F ratio values
X1Extraction temperature, X2Equilibrium time, X3Extraction time
Table 3: ANOVA, regression coefficients of the first- and second-order polynomial regression model, R2, adjusted R2, probability values and lack of fit for flavour total peak area (TIC) in coded form of process variables.