Blends IV (g I 2/ 100 g oil) Enzymatic reaction IV (g I 2/ 100 g oil) Control
MSO (100:0) 50.7± 0.29a 50.7± 0.2a
60:40 42.43± 0.4b 43.34 ± 0.32b
50:50 39.54± 0.13c 39.62 ± 0.16c
40:60 36.3± 0.4d 36.56± 0.38d
CB(0:100) 34.13± 0.32e 34.13± 0.32e
Note: * values represent the average of triplicates ± standard deviation (SD)
Table 6: Iodine value* (IV) of the mixtures, MSO, and CB.