Treatments Disease incidence at Haramaya DAS (%) Disease incidence at Hirna DAS (%)
Initial (52) Final (92) Initial (60) Final (90)
Soil solarization
Solarized 19.6 60.7 15.9 45.6
Non-solarized 24.4 72.1 21.5 50.7
CV (%) 9.1 2.6 7.3 1.9
LSD (5%) 3.6 6.5 3.1 3.7
Foliar spray
CFS10 18.9 63.9 16.1 45.6
CFS20 19.4 66.1 17.2 47.2
Control 27.8 72.2 22.8 51.7
CV (%) 35.9 13.0 36.1 12.4
LSD (5%) 4.4 7.9 3.8 4.4
Seed treatment
MST 18.9 63.3 15.6 43.3
CST 22.8 66.7 17.8 47.2
Control 24.4 72.2 22.8 53.9
CV (%) 24.2 13.4 31.8 15.8
LSD (5%) 4.5 7.9 3.8 4.5
MST=Mancozeb seed treatment; CST=Carbendazim seed treatment; CFS10 and; DAS=Days after sowing; 20=Carbendazim foliar spray at 10 and 20 days interval; LSD=Least significant difference.
Table 2: Effect of soil solarization, seed treatment and foliar sprays on incidence of common bean anthracnose at Haramaya and Hirna during 2010 main cropping season.