Compound RI Populations P % (Over all population)
Algerian population Tunisian population (BB) Tunisian population (WB)
α-Thujene 931 0.32e 0.27f 0.21f 0.26
α-Pinene 938 45.4a 30.50a 30.00a 35.30
β-Pinene 978 0.22f 0.32f 0.48f 0.34
α-Phellandrene 1006 0.11f 0.22f 0.23f 0.18
3-Carene 1008 0.18f 0.29f 0.34f 0.27
2-Carene 1012 0.85e 1.50e 0.83f 1.06
ρ-Cymene 1026 0.48e 0.95e 0.55f 0.66
α-Limonene 1031 8.36c 17.78b 18.16b 14.76
1-8-cinéole 1040 35.7b 20.90b 22.30b 26.30
β-Ocimene 1050 0.38e 3.40d 3.18d 2.32
α-Terpinolene 1088 0.45e 0.41 0.41f 0.42
β-linalool 1105 1.93d 10.1c 9.24c 7.09
Trans-Pinocarveol 1161 0.15f 0.29e 0.23f 0.22
Terpinen-4-ol 1177 0.35e 0.29e 0.27f 0.30
Myrtenyl acétate 1335 0.13f 0.84e 0.89f 0.62
β-caryophylléne 1418 0.34e 0.39e 0.37f 0.36
α-Humulene 1454 0.30e 1.30e 1.17e 0.92
β-caryophyllene epoxide 1534 0.71e 0.34f 0.42f 0.49
Caryophyllene oxide 1581 0.22f 0.50f 0.63f 0.45
α-Caryophyllene 1600 0.11f tr tr 0.03
β-fenchyl alcohol 1633 0.46e tr tr 0.15
α-Amorphene 2018 0.12f tr tr 0.04
Hydroquinone 2032 0.44e 1.58e 1.41 1.14
Total identified (%)   97.71 92.17 91.32 93.73
Oil yield   0.54 0.48 0.50 0.50
Table 1: Chemical composition of Myrtus communis L. essential oils isolated from Algerian and Tunisian population: (Black Ballouta: BB and White Ballouta: WB).