Treatments Tomato field   Potato field  
  Severity (%) AUDPC (%-days) Severity (%) AUDPC (%-days)
Victory 72WP 15.67c 711.70c 40.74b 743.70c
Ridomil gold 18.90b 894.60b 40.74b 842.60b
Untreated  control 67.70a 1923.40a 69.72a 1973.40a
Mean 34.09 1176.57 50.4 1186.57
CV (%) 15.26 10.79 14.26 12.79
LSD (5%) 20.26 452.2 18.26 432.2
Means followed by the same letter in each column are not significantly different using Least Significant Difference (p=0.05), CV=Coefficient of variation, LSD=least significant difference, AUDPC=area under disease progress curve. Means in column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different.
Table 1: Effect of fungicide treatments on late blight of tomato and potato with disease severity percentage and mean AUDPC in field trail.