Reaction Number of cycles Thermal settings
Primary 1 93°C (1min); 95°C (5min)
  5 94°C (30sec); 62°C (1min); 72°C (2min30sec)
  1 94°C (30sec); 25°C ramping 72°C (3min); 72°C (2min30sec)
  15 94°C (20sec); 65°C (3min30sec);
94°C (20sec); 65°C (3min30sec);
94°C (30sec); 42°C (1min); 72°C (2min30sec)
  1 72°C (5min); 4°C Hold
Secondary 12 94°C (20sec); 65°C (3min30sec);
  94°C (20sec); 65°C (3min30sec);
  94°C (30sec); 42°C (1min); 72°C (2min30sec)
  1 72°C (5min); 4°C Hold
Tertiary 30 94°C (30sec); 42°C (1min); 72°C (2min30sec)
  1 72°C (5min); 4°C Hold
Table 1: HE-TAIL PCR cycle settings. Primary, secondary and tertiary nested PCR reactions were performed sequentially. The primary PCR reaction consists of 15 TAIL cycles, while the secondary reaction contains 12 TAIL cycles.