After 6  days After  14  days
infested Non-infested infested Non-infested
Check 56 g 70 e 46f 73d
Potassium tartarate (A) 79.9 (42.7)*d 93 (32.9)a 73 (58.7)d 97 (32.9)a
Micronutrients mixture (Mix) 66.7 (50.9)f 86.6 (23.7)b 59 (28.3)e 87.6 (20)b
 + Mix 82 (46.4)c 94 (34.2)a 74 (60.9)c 97 (32.9)a
*Percentage of increase over check
Table 2: Seedling stands () of cucumber in soil infested with R. solani and resulted from seed treatment by Potassium tartarate and/or micronutrients.