Treatments Total yield / m2(g) % N % P %K % protein
Check 619.3  d 0.98 d 0.17 b 2.65c 6.13c
(A) 1427 (130.5)*a  2.13(117.3)a 0.22 (77.3)a    3.32 (25.3)b 13.31(117.1)a   
Mix 973(57.1)c 1.205 (22.4)c 0.173b 2.8(5.6)c 7.52 (22.9)bc
(A) + Mix 1074 (73.5)b  1.54  (57.1)b   0.18 (5.9)b   3.94 (48.7)a   9.63 (57.1)b
Table 5: Percentage of N P K and protein in Cucumber fruits of treated and untreated seeds in field trial.