Fungicides Concentration (ppm) Inhibition Percentage (%)
Mancozeb 1000 71.636 d
2000 78.672 c
3000 82.864 e
Mancozeb + Metalexil 1000 60.488 e
2000 77.622 c
3000 79.020 c
Hexaconazole 1000 100 a
2000 100 a
3000 100 a
Difenoconazole + Propiconazole 1000 100 a
2000 100 a
3000 100 a
Hepridion 1000 100 a
2000 100 a
3000 100 a
Carbendazim 1000 100 a
2000 100 a
3000 100 a
Co-efficient of Variation      2.31%
Level of Significance           0.01
Table 2: Inhibition percentage of P. palmarum at different concentration of different fungicides.