Isolatesa Collection Colony color Resistance to tradimef°nb
Year Sampling location
E01 1993 BeiJing whitey-brown S
E02 1993 BeiJing whitey-brown S
E05 1993 YunNan whitey-brown S
E06 1991 SiChuan whitey-brown S
E09 1993 —— whitey-brown S
E21 1992 —— whitey-brown S
JZ15 2007 HuBei whitey-brown S
HN-12 2009 HeNan whitey-brown S
HN-15 2009 HeNan whitey-brown M
SX-5 2009 Shanxi whitey-brown M
AH-12 2009 AnHui whitey-brown S
AH-13 2009 AnHui whitey-brown S
SX -112 2011 Shanxi Pale yellow M
HN -17 2011 HeNan whitey-brown S
JS-1 2011 JiangSu whitey-brown S
GS-1 2011 GanSu whitey-brown S
HB-36 2011 HeBei albino M
GZ-82 2011 Guizhou albino M
SD-10 2011 shandong whitey-brown M
SC-65 2011 Sichuan whitey-brown R
aAll strains were maintained using the methods developed in this study
bS=Sensitive, M=Moderately resistant, R=Resistance to Tradimefon
Table 1: Characterstics of B. graminis f. sp. tritici isolates for which the response to tradimefon and morphological feature.